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Home Renovation Loans

Financing Your Dream Home Makeover
Transforming your living space into your dream home often requires a significant investment, which is where home improvement financing comes into play. From home renovation loans and construction loans through to government renovation grants in Victoria, a variety of options are available when it comes to securing the necessary funds for your project. Let’s explore the various avenues you can pursue to make your home renovation dreams a reality.

1 Refinancing Your Existing Home Loan for Renovation Finance

Refinancing your existing home loan can involve:

  • One of the most common ways to fund a home renovation is by refinancing your existing home loan. This process can involve borrowing an additional loan amount or leveraging the equity you have built up in your home over time, also known as a ‘home equity loan’.
  • Equity is the difference between your home’s current market value and the outstanding balance on your mortgage. For example, if your home is worth $600,000 and you owe $400,000, your equity is $200,000. By making consistent home loan repayments and benefiting from an increase in your property’s value, you can gradually build up equity.

When refinance a home loan for renovations in Melbourne, you have the option to work with your current lender or explore offers from different financial institutions. Refinancing also presents an opportunity to extend your loan term, which can help make your repayments more manageable if needed.

2 Utilising Your Home Loan's Redraw Facility for a Home Renovation Loan

If your existing home loan features a redraw facility and you have sufficient funds available, this can be an alternative to refinancing when it comes to home renovation financing. A redraw facility allows you to withdraw any additional home loan payments you have made over time, providing you with a convenient source of funds for your renovation project.

3 Securing a Construction Loan as a Loan for Renovations

For extensive home renovation projects, such as adding a second story or undertaking a major home extension, a construction loan can be an ideal renovation finance solution. This type of loan is separate from your existing home loan and is designed to fund large-scale construction and renovation work.

When approved for a construction loan, funds are released in stages as you reach predefined milestones in your renovation journey. During the construction phase, the loan typically operates on an ‘interest-only’ basis, meaning you only pay interest on the funds you have drawn down. This arrangement can help keep your repayments lower during the renovation period. Once all the funds have been accessed, the loan transitions to a ‘principal and interest’ structure, and your repayments will increase accordingly.

To streamline the process, it’s essential to prepare your documentation according to the construction stages outlined in your renovation plan. This will help ensure a smooth flow of funds as you progress through your project.

4 Establishing a Line of Credit for Home Improvement Financing

Another renovation finance option is to establish a line of credit. This type of financing allows you to borrow up to an approved limit, and you only pay interest on the funds you actually use. A line of credit can provide flexibility in managing your cash flow throughout the renovation process, as you can draw down funds as needed.

5 Exploring Personal Loans for Home Renovation Financing

While personal loans can be used for home improvement financing, it’s crucial to understand that they typically come with higher interest rates compared to home loans. This holds true even for secured personal loans, which offer lower rates than unsecured personal loans but are still more expensive than other renovation finance options (excluding credit cards).
If you’re considering a personal loan for your home renovation, carefully assess your financial situation and ensure that you can comfortably manage the repayments over the loan term.

6 The Pitfalls of Using Credit Cards for Home Renovation Loans

Using credit cards to fund your home renovation should generally be avoided, as they often carry the highest interest rates among financing options. However, if your renovation costs are relatively small and you’re confident in your ability to fully repay the amount within your card’s interest-free period, a credit card might be a viable short-term solution.

Understanding How Home Renovation Loans Work

Home renovation loans allow homeowners to borrow money based on the value of their property, providing the necessary funds to cover the costs of repairs, upgrades, and additions. These loans can be either secured or unsecured, with secured loans requiring the property itself as collateral to protect the lender from financial loss.

The specific terms of a home renovation loan, such as interest rates, repayment periods, and eligibility criteria, can vary depending on the lender and the type of loan you choose. Once approved, you can use the funds to complete your desired home improvements and repay the loan through regular monthly instalments over the agreed-upon term.

Exploring the Benefits of a Redraw Facility on Your Home Loan

A redraw facility is a feature that allows you to withdraw funds you’ve paid in excess of your required mortgage payments. This flexibility can be particularly useful when undertaking a home renovation, as it provides access to extra funds when needed.

Redraw facilities are most commonly associated with variable rate home loans and can help you save on interest by enabling you to make additional repayments and then redraw the money as required. However, it’s important to review the specific terms and conditions of your redraw facility, as some lenders may impose minimum redraw amounts or charge fees for accessing the funds.

Determining the Frequency of Using Your Redraw Facility

The frequency at which you can use your home loan redraw facility will depend on the specific terms and conditions set by your financial institution. Some lenders may allow unlimited access to your redraw funds, while others may impose limits on the number of redraws you can make within a given time frame.

To ensure you have a clear understanding of your redraw facility’s terms, it’s advisable to review your loan documentation or contact your financial institution directly.

Timing Your Home Renovation Loan Application

When it comes to applying for a home renovation loan, timing is key. It’s best to apply for the loan when you have a solid grasp of your renovation plans and have accurate cost estimates in hand. This will help you determine the appropriate loan amount to request and ensure that you have sufficient funds to complete your project.

Applying for your loan for renovations well in advance of your planned start date is also recommended. This allows ample time for the application process, including gathering and submitting the required documentation. Additionally, applying when your credit score is strong can improve your chances of approval and help you secure more favourable loan terms.
By planning ahead and submitting your application early, you can navigate the loan process with greater ease and confidence, setting the stage for a successful and stress-free renovation experience.

Navigating Government Renovation Grants in Victoria

In addition to home renovation loans, homeowners in Victoria may be eligible for government renovation grants. These grants can provide valuable financial assistance for specific types of home improvements, such as energy-efficiency upgrades or accessibility modifications.

To explore the available grant options and determine your eligibility, it’s advisable to visit the official website of the Victorian government or consult with a knowledgeable home renovation financing expert. By leveraging these grants alongside a well-structured home renovation loan, you can maximize your budget and achieve your dream home makeover with greater financial flexibility.

Home improvement financing is a crucial aspect of bringing your renovation vision to life. By understanding the various renovation finance options available, from refinancing your existing home loan and utilizing a redraw facility to securing a construction loan or exploring government grants, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your unique needs and financial circumstances.

As you embark on your renovation journey, remember to plan ahead, carefully assess your borrowing capacity, and work with trusted financial professionals who can guide you through the process. With the right home renovation loan and a well-executed plan, you can transform your living space into the home of your dreams while maintaining financial stability and peace of mind.

Renovation home loan FAQS


Yes, personal loans can be used as a loan for renovations. However, it’s important to note that personal loan interest rates are generally higher than those of home loans, even for secured personal loans. While a personal loan can provide the funds needed for your renovation project, it’s crucial to carefully consider your financial situation and ensure that you can comfortably manage the repayments over the loan term before pursuing this home improvement financing option.


When planning to apply for a home renovation loan, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your renovation plans and accurate cost estimates. This will help you determine the appropriate loan amount to request. Additionally, it’s advisable to apply for the loan well in advance of your intended start date to allow ample time for the application process and gathering the required documentation. Applying when your credit score is strong can also improve your chances of approval and help you secure more favourable loan terms.

How do you get a renovation home loan?

At ARG Finance, our experienced team of mortgage brokers can help you to choose the right lender and renovation home loan. We’ll take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs before recommending appropriate finance for you.

Contact us today for advice on borrowing to renovate your home.