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Truck Loan Finance

Trucks are essential assets for many businesses. If you need truck finance to buy a truck for your business, your options for truck loans in Melbourne include:


When you lease a truck, you will make monthly payments to a lender who retains ownership of the vehicle. You have full use of the truck for the duration of your lease. These payments will usually be tax-deductible. When the lease term ends, you usually have an option to pay an additional amount to buy the truck. Alternatively, you can hand it back to the lender and lease a newer model truck. Leasing can be an attractive option for businesses that want to maintain a modern fleet without the upfront costs of purchasing commercial trucks.


A chattel mortgage is another option for truck financing. It involves a lender providing you with a truck loan that is secured against the vehicle via a mortgage. Chattel mortgage interest and fees on a business vehicle are tax-deductible against business income. This can make chattel mortgages an appealing choice for businesses looking to purchase a truck outright while still enjoying tax advantages.

However, it’s important to understand that like any secured loan, the lender can repossess a vehicle under a chattel mortgage arrangement if you default on your regular loan repayments. When you have repaid the commercial vehicle loan in full, the lender releases the mortgage.


A hire purchase agreement for a business truck involves you hiring it from the lender for an agreed term. When you make your last hire payment, the ownership of the vehicle transfers to your business. This can be a suitable option for businesses that want to eventually own the truck but may not have the upfront capital to purchase it outright.


The right truck or trailer finance option will depend on your individual business needs and financial situation. Key considerations include:

  • truck finance rates, fees and other finance terms and conditions
  • repayment flexibility to suit your business’ cash flow,
  • the tax-deductibility of repayments,
  • the finance term (shorter loan terms result in higher regular repayments, while longer terms have lower regular repayments, but you pay more interest),
  • whether you want new truck finance or used truck finance
  • whether it’s better to own or lease your vehicle. For example, leasing your truck may allow you to upgrade more easily when the lease term expires.


Buying a truck is a big investment. In addition to your financial considerations, it’s important to buy a truck that will:

  • be cost-effective to run and maintain,
  • be safe to drive,
  • reflect your desired business image
  • suit your business’ needs (for example, your truck buying options include prime movers, tilt-tray and refrigerated trucks, just to name a few).

What is a residual (balloon) payment?

A residual (balloon) payment is a way that you can reduce your truck loan repayments during your finance term, in return for making a single larger (balloon) payment at the end of the term.

For example, if you borrow $100,000 for a new truck via a five-year chattel mortgage, you could arrange to pay $80,000 over five years with regular monthly repayments, and a single $20,000 residual (balloon payment) at the end of the five-year term.

However, if you structure your repayments like this, it’s important that you structure your business finances to ensure that you can afford the final residual (balloon) payment amount. Failing to plan for this final payment could put your business under financial strain, so it’s crucial to work with a knowledgeable truck finance broker who can help you make informed decisions.


Yes, it’s possible to get your truck finance pre-approved. Many lenders offer pre-approval that allow you to receive a conditional approval before you start searching for a truck. The pre-approval process typically involves providing financial information to the lender, such as income and credit history. They’ll assess your eligibility and determine the maximum amount you can qualify for. This can give you peace of mind and help you negotiate with confidence when you find the right truck for your business.

How we can help

Truck financing is an important decision for many businesses, especially if you need a fleet of them. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of different commercial truck loans so that you can choose the most appropriate one for your business.

It’s also important to understand that even a small difference in the terms and conditions of truck loans for business purposes can make a big difference to your repayments and your business’ cash flow.

At ARG Finance, our experienced team of truck finance brokers can help you to find the right option. We’ll take the time to understand your business’ needs, goals and financial circumstances before recommending an appropriate lender and truck or camper trailer finance option for you.

The Benefits of Working with a Truck Finance Broker

Navigating the complex world of truck finance can be challenging, especially for business owners who may not have extensive experience in this area. That’s where working with a skilled truck finance broker can make all the difference. At ARG Finance, our truck finance brokers in Melbourne have the knowledge, experience, and industry connections to help you secure the best possible truck loan for your needs.

By partnering with a truck finance broker, you can save valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent researching and comparing loan options from various lenders. Our brokers have an in-depth understanding of the lending landscape and can quickly identify the most suitable truck loan products for your specific situation. We’ll work closely with you to assess your financial needs, business goals, and risk profile, ensuring that we find a truck loan that aligns with your objectives.

In addition to streamlining the loan application process, our truck finance brokers in Melbourne can also help you secure more favourable loan terms. With our strong relationships with a wide network of lenders, we can negotiate on your behalf to secure competitive interest rates, lower fees, and more flexible repayment terms. This can ultimately save you money and ensure that your truck loan works for you, not against you.

Tailored Solutions for Your Business

At ARG Finance, we understand that every business has unique financing needs. Whether you’re a sole trader looking to purchase a single truck or a larger enterprise managing a fleet of commercial trucks, our truck loan experts in Melbourne can help you find the right solution.

We work with a diverse range of lenders, including major banks, non-bank lenders, and specialist truck finance providers, ensuring that we can find a truck loan that meets your specific criteria. Our goal is to make the process of securing truck finance as seamless and stress-free as possible, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running and growing your business.

Comprehensive Support and Guidance

Securing a truck loan is just the first step in the process. At ARG Finance, we believe in providing ongoing support and guidance to help you make the most of your loan and achieve your business goals. Our truck finance brokers in Melbourne will work with you to develop a comprehensive loan management strategy, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your repayment obligations and how to optimize your loan over time.

We’ll also keep you informed of any changes in the lending market that may impact your truck loan, such as fluctuations in interest rates or new loan products that could benefit your business. Our team is always available to answer your questions, provide advice, and help you navigate any challenges that may arise. With ARG Finance as your partner, you can have confidence that you’re making informed decisions about your truck finance and working towards a brighter, more prosperous future.

The ARG Finance Advantage

When it comes to securing truck loans in Melbourne, experience and expertise matter. At ARG Finance, we pride ourselves on our unparalleled knowledge of the local lending market and our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients. Our truck finance brokers have helped countless businesses across a wide range of industries secure the financing they need to acquire the vehicles that drive their success.

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to every truck loan application. Our truck finance experts in Melbourne will take the time to get to know you and your business, ensuring that we have a deep understanding of your needs, goals, and challenges. This allows us to provide tailored advice and recommendations that are specifically designed to help you succeed.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your business with machinery loans and truck loans in Australia. With ARG Finance by your side, you can navigate the world of truck finance with confidence and ease, knowing that you have a trusted partner dedicated to your success.

Frequently Asked Questions


The main truck finance options in Melbourne include leasing, chattel mortgages, and hire purchase agreements. Each option has its own advantages, such as tax deductibility or eventual ownership.


Yes, many lenders offer pre-approval for truck loans, allowing you to receive conditional approval based on your financial information before you start searching for a truck. This can help you negotiate with confidence.


A truck finance broker can save you time and effort by identifying the most suitable truck loan products, negotiating favourable terms, and providing ongoing support and guidance throughout the life of your loan.

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