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Proposal to Ease Responsible Australian Lending Restrictions

The federal government is planning on Easing Australia’s lending Restrictions to help the economy recover from the impact of COVID-19.   Restrictions on loans and other forms of credit had previously been tightened after both the Banking Royal Commission in 2019 and the National Consumer Credit Protection Act was introduced in 2009. If the government’s proposal to…

7 Steps for Obtaining a Better Mortgage

Mortgages are the base of home ownership in Australia, especially if we are entering the real estate market. Whether it is a first home or an investment property, if we are able to understand common mortgage features and steps then it will help us compare the available options and control our future finances.…

A Must-Have Checklist For Every Home Seller

There is every chance that you might make a lot of mistakes and mix-ups when you are in the process of putting your property on the market for sale. After all, it is complicated and involves numerous things that need to be taken care of to avoid common pitfalls. Furthermore, making a mistake…

5 Common Strata Title Property Problems and Solutions

Hello folks! If you have recently shifted to a strata community or are planning to do so, you are about to welcome few changes in your life. Being a resident of a strata title property can prove to be beneficial in certain ways. For example, you do not need to…

7 Renting Nightmares and How to Overcome Them

Buying a property doesn’t always leave you getting to stay in it. Sometimes, we buy it with the intention of investment and renting it out meanwhile. However easy this sounds, all house owners do wonder why their property isn’t attracting a suitable renter or at a price that may help…

5 Secrets Negotiations Every Homebuyer Must Know

Before we start, let us keep in mind- “Negotiation is a is never a one-way street”.  It is a part of any deal that can assist in making the process less of a hassle, especially in the Daunting Task Of Purchasing A Property.  However, the process of negotiating can be a slow…

Top Australian Suburbs For Property Investors In 2016

Where to buy an investment property, is a complex decision. The factors to consider are different from those that govern buying a home to live in. Your decision has to be a logical one based on facts rather than emotions. This can often cloud a property investor’s judgement especially if…