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10 Ways to Get Started Investing in Property

Property, the very word brings a sparkle in the eyes of many prospective couples who dream of having their own home. But these are the end users who are fed up of paying rent and want to use the same money into something constructive that actually bears fruit for them rather than filling the pockets of landlords. But there is another class of buyers who have surplus cash acquired through income from salary or business and want to reap exponential returns. 1.Examine all options before taking the plunge Stories abound from time immemorial of people buying land in the most…

5 Common Strata Title Property Problems and Solutions

Hello folks! If you have recently shifted to a strata community or are planning to do so, you are about to welcome few changes in your life. Being a resident of a strata title property can prove to be beneficial in certain ways. For example, you do not need to take full responsibility for maintenance of your property. The burden of maintenance is relieved from your shoulders to the strata corporation by paying a certain strata fees for upkeep of the community property. Moreover, it costs much less in terms of investment when you buy such properties rather than a…

Seven Tips for Purchasing a Home Australia

Going for A Property Purchase Is Never An Easy Task. It is always going to require thorough preparation, that too, in advance. It will also involve huge investment, not just in terms of money but also in terms of time and effort. Before stepping into the real estate market, you need to understand whether you are really ready to go for it mentally and financially. Once you have figured that out, you should be aware of all the aspects to consider. This will help you navigate smoothly through the home buying process which can otherwise become quite stressful. To begin with, Get…

How To Buy An Investment Property With Low Deposit

Saving money for a deposit to buy investment property is a daunting task. Ask anyone with the experience of buying a home and they will tell you that when they purchased their First Investment Property, it felt like they were running after a speeding train. The more they saved, the more the property prices increased. Today too, many investors miss the chance of getting their hands on an investment property because of not having the required deposit amount. In the current real estate market scenario, there are tighter lending regulations, wherein lenders require that you as investors should contribute a certain…

The Most Popular Time To Buy A Home

There are a lot of factors that come into play while buying a property starting from personal and financial concerns to the condition of the real estate market. Buying A Home Is A Big Decision and you need to be sure that you make the right choice. Apart from finding the right property, the next important thing to consider is when to buy. Going with the common perception, people usually prefer to buy during the spring season. Spring is a bright phase of the year when people want to step into new beginnings. The bright sunshine and cheerful days of the spring season…

Types of Insurance for Homeowners in Australia

Investing in real estate may cost you a significant amount of your lifelong earnings. The reason people invest in real estate is because of the potentially high returns it offers in the long run. However, an asset of this value needs to be insured, for there are many circumstances which may result in unexpected costs related your investment. To safeguard your assets against a number of external factors as well as to prevent you from losing your hard earned money invested in property, there are a variety of insurance schemes for homeowners in Australia. Today we explain to you some…

Cashing-In On Home Equity

What is Home Equity? A home equity loan, also known as a line of credit, is a great option for borrowers in Australian. If you are ever in need of some extra cash, whether during an emergency or other purposes, your home equity can be used as a source of low-cost funds to help you achieve those personal goals. Many parts of Australia’s property market took off in 2014 and 2015, which is not a hidden fact. However, the prime question is, “what does this  mean for homeowners?” For homeowners, the catch here is that your home equity is actually…

Top Australian Suburbs For Property Investors In 2016

Where to buy an investment property, is a complex decision. The factors to consider are different from those that govern buying a home to live in. Your decision has to be a logical one based on facts rather than emotions. This can often cloud a property investor’s judgement especially if they are new to the game. While deciding where to Buy Your Investment Property, one has to consider the amenities around the location. Ask yourself, “Are there schools, hospitals, public transport, or shopping complexes within reach?” The proximity of the property to such amenities and the central business district ensures that…

What You Need To Know Before Closing A Commercial Property Deal

Whenever we talk about property investment the first thought that comes to people’s minds is the residential real estate. We hardly ever give any or little thought to commercial property as a practicable investment solution. However, today an increasing number of Australians have started recognizing the potential of the commercial real estate sector and have started to cash in on it. This fact is especially true for Older Investors Who Are Utilising Their Self-managed Superannuation Funds for investing in small commercial properties, in an extremely competitive market, for good reasons. Commercial real estate, also categorized as property assets, are primarily used for business purposes.…

Startup Office and Financial Strategies

Finding the Perfect Startup Office and Managing Finances Choosing the right office space will have a significant impact on the business. You need to keep in mind the budget and what kind of office will be best for your business. For instance, a tech startup thrives well in an open and collaborative environment where people can get together and discuss ideas. On the other hand, a law firm would keep privacy as a top priority. In short, there are several options available but you need to go for the one tailored to your specific needs. Let us find out how…