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Top Australian Suburbs For Property Investors In 2016

Where to buy an investment property, is a complex decision. The factors to consider are different from those that govern buying a home to live in. Your decision has to be a logical one based on facts rather than emotions. This can often cloud a property investor’s judgement especially if they are new to the game. While deciding where to Buy Your Investment Property, one has to consider the amenities around the location. Ask yourself, “Are there schools, hospitals, public transport, or shopping complexes within reach?” The proximity of the property to such amenities and the central business district ensures that…

How To Avoid Rookie Errors In Moving | ARG Finance

Moving to a new home can be exciting and unnerving at the same time. On one hand you are looking forward to a new experience, and on the other you are stressed about going through the exhausting process of shifting your base. Everyone panics when they find their whole house in a mess – the boxes and the tapes lying around and all your stuff out in the open. Mistakes are bound to happen, especially if you have never moved on your own before. If moving to a new place is on your cards, and you are worried about the…

What The Real Estate Industry Should Know About Millennials

It’s 2016 and the real estate market should be prepared for the new wave of investors, the millennials aka Gen Y, who will become a major force in the consumption of real estate. Unlike baby boomers, homeownership for millennials is a desirable goal and an important measure of success, though affordability remains an issue. This is the prime reason why buying a house is the last thing on their minds while they are paying their student’s loan. For as long as they are unable to afford mortgage and get a better offer, propertywise, millennials prefer living freely and mobile so…

9 Must-Know Home Loan Terms

Whether you are a first time home buyer or have been within this circle before, you must know what a tiring process buying a home is. Moreover, if this process involves a home loan, then you have to deal with bulky paperwork and uncountable legal formalities. Finding purchase-worthy properties and shortlisting one already sounds like a roller coaster ride, and on top of that, your spirit is bogged down with the real estate industry jargon used by lenders and agents. This sends your thoughts spinning, leaving you with a headache at the end of the day. “Buying a home is…

What You Need To Know Before Closing A Commercial Property Deal

Whenever we talk about property investment the first thought that comes to people’s minds is the residential real estate. We hardly ever give any or little thought to commercial property as a practicable investment solution. However, today an increasing number of Australians have started recognizing the potential of the commercial real estate sector and have started to cash in on it. This fact is especially true for Older Investors Who Are Utilising Their Self-managed Superannuation Funds for investing in small commercial properties, in an extremely competitive market, for good reasons. Commercial real estate, also categorized as property assets, are primarily used for business purposes.…