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7 Steps for Obtaining a Better Mortgage

Mortgages are the base of home ownership in Australia, especially if we are entering the real estate market. Whether it is a first home or an investment property, if we are able to understand common mortgage features and steps then it will help us compare the available options and control our future finances. Upon entering the mortgage process, there will be a number of forms and an assortment of paperwork which can confuse us. This can make the process of obtaining a good mortgage seem complicated because of the number of people and procedures involved. All this can appear overwhelming at times, and…

A Must-Have Checklist For Every Home Seller

There is every chance that you might make a lot of mistakes and mix-ups when you are in the process of putting your property on the market for sale. After all, it is complicated and involves numerous things that need to be taken care of to avoid common pitfalls. Furthermore, making a mistake with or misunderstanding legal obligations could have a significant impact on our finances and lifestyle. So, we have prepared a checklist for home sellers, which will help them take a breather in between all the hustle and bustle of home buyers and legal works. THE CHECKLIST #1 Choose the right…

10 Ways to Get Started Investing in Property

Property, the very word brings a sparkle in the eyes of many prospective couples who dream of having their own home. But these are the end users who are fed up of paying rent and want to use the same money into something constructive that actually bears fruit for them rather than filling the pockets of landlords. But there is another class of buyers who have surplus cash acquired through income from salary or business and want to reap exponential returns. 1.Examine all options before taking the plunge Stories abound from time immemorial of people buying land in the most…

Seven Causes For Home Loan Denial | ARG Finance

Most home buyers finally find the right property after months of searching. After that begins the quest for the right home loan. Now all you need is a suitable lender who would finance your purchase. But what happens if you apply for a home loan and the bank rejects your application? Real estate has become one of the most popular channels of investment in Australia. However, buying a property is no mean feat and a lack of funds can be one of the main reasons that can hold you back. So, most buyers resort to a home loan. Apart from keeping…

About Home Loan Pre-Approvals You Should Know

If you are shopping for a new home, chances are that you are hunting for the perfect home loan too. But it is not necessary that you apply for a loan after you find your dream home. Rather, you have the option to arrange for a loan beforehand. This is where a loan pre-approval comes into the picture. A pre-approved loan helps you arrange for your finances in advance so that you can go forward with a stress-free search. What exactly is a loan pre-approval? A loan pre-approval can be seen as a preliminary approval by a lender to a prospective homebuyer,…

How to Budget for Your Dream Home

Do you hate paying house rent every month? Do you feel like a captive in your rented house when you realize that the freedom to alter the house according to your wish is something that you can never enjoy in this setting? A rented house is a compromise where the pressure of having low funds wins over the pleasure of staying in your own house. Nevertheless, you can afford and possess your own house sooner or later. However, if you want this development to happen really quickly, then the first step to get started is to have funds! You need…

5 Common Strata Title Property Problems and Solutions

Hello folks! If you have recently shifted to a strata community or are planning to do so, you are about to welcome few changes in your life. Being a resident of a strata title property can prove to be beneficial in certain ways. For example, you do not need to take full responsibility for maintenance of your property. The burden of maintenance is relieved from your shoulders to the strata corporation by paying a certain strata fees for upkeep of the community property. Moreover, it costs much less in terms of investment when you buy such properties rather than a…

Seven Tips for Purchasing a Home Australia

Going for A Property Purchase Is Never An Easy Task. It is always going to require thorough preparation, that too, in advance. It will also involve huge investment, not just in terms of money but also in terms of time and effort. Before stepping into the real estate market, you need to understand whether you are really ready to go for it mentally and financially. Once you have figured that out, you should be aware of all the aspects to consider. This will help you navigate smoothly through the home buying process which can otherwise become quite stressful. To begin with, Get…

What To Consider While Buying Property Off The Plan

In simple terms, Buying A Property off the plan means to buy a property that is yet to be constructed. It involves a person entering into a legal contract to purchase a property before it reaches the final stage of its development. Both investors and home buyers go for the an off the plan purchase, but for different reasons. Buying property off the plan may seem like a tricky option to consider. After all, you are just relying on the promise made by the seller that the property will be developed according to a certain plan on paper. You simply have access…

How To Buy An Investment Property With Low Deposit

Saving money for a deposit to buy investment property is a daunting task. Ask anyone with the experience of buying a home and they will tell you that when they purchased their First Investment Property, it felt like they were running after a speeding train. The more they saved, the more the property prices increased. Today too, many investors miss the chance of getting their hands on an investment property because of not having the required deposit amount. In the current real estate market scenario, there are tighter lending regulations, wherein lenders require that you as investors should contribute a certain…