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The Most Popular Time To Buy A Home

There are a lot of factors that come into play while buying a property starting from personal and financial concerns to the condition of the real estate market. Buying A Home Is A Big Decision and you need to be sure that you make the right choice. Apart from finding the right property, the next important thing to consider is when to buy. Going with the common perception, people usually prefer to buy during the spring season. Spring is a bright phase of the year when people want to step into new beginnings. The bright sunshine and cheerful days of the spring season…

Types of Insurance for Homeowners in Australia

Investing in real estate may cost you a significant amount of your lifelong earnings. The reason people invest in real estate is because of the potentially high returns it offers in the long run. However, an asset of this value needs to be insured, for there are many circumstances which may result in unexpected costs related your investment. To safeguard your assets against a number of external factors as well as to prevent you from losing your hard earned money invested in property, there are a variety of insurance schemes for homeowners in Australia. Today we explain to you some…

Should You Buy An Old Or New Property?

Do you remember buying your first car? Weren’t you confused about whether to buy a new one or an old refurbished one? Surely, every now and then, you would weigh down each and every option for both cases so that you could reap the maximum perks no matter what is chosen. Similarly, now that you are planning to buy a property, you are once again standing at the same crossroads. You are facing the same dilemma as you did while buying your car. The only difference is that buying a house is a lifetime investment plan. Why are you buying…

Residential Areas In Australia With Highest Auctions

Whether a property is likely to be auctioned or not depends largely on its geographic location, the type of dwelling and the price points. The trend towards higher auction sales has been picking up pace since the middle of 2012. This overlaps with the beginning of the current growth phase in the property market. 2015 was a year of strong growth. This coincided with a high percentage of homes being sold at auction, approximately 19.2% Of All Dwelling Sales (till the month of September). In phases of strong housing market conditions, auctions are a popular way to Sell A Residential Property. Market…

5 Secrets Negotiations Every Homebuyer Must Know

Before we start, let us keep in mind- “Negotiation is a is never a one-way street”.  It is a part of any deal that can assist in making the process less of a hassle, especially in the Daunting Task Of Purchasing A Property.  However, the process of negotiating can be a slow process at times while at other times things can sort out in a jiffy. So, it is advisable for home buyers to maintain patience when going about a property purchase. In case of a property deal, like in any other situation, it must be kept in mind that at the…

Hidden Costs of Buying A Home | Needs To Remember

So you are finally buying a house and you have all the costs covered. But, wait! Ask yourself again, “Are you really financially prepared to cover all the costs required for buying a property?” Well, isn’t this an eyebrow-raising question? House buying is not only about paying for the price tag that the property comes with. There are a number of hidden costs like the mortgage interest rates, the cost of repairs, cost of the general upkeep of the home, the ongoing council rates, and the list just keeps going on. So, before you go ahead and calculate whether your house…

7 Questions Every Home Buyer Should Ask

You might be that smart, lucky one who doesn’t need any expert’s help to find the home of his dreams. Yet, for many people, it makes sense to hire one to take care of the tedious tasks and nitty-gritty details of the home buying process. Some of you might find a good real estate agent who will recommend neighborhoods that fit your needs, while also warning you about its possible drawbacks. However, there is also the possibility of coming across shrewd ones, who might take advantage of your inexperience and bore a hole in your pocket. Homes are most people’s…

Home staging- 5 Property Presentation Tips

Once a property enters the real estate market, it becomes a product and in order to sell it at the best price it needs to be able to attract customers. For a property owner, to gain an edge above the rest, A Home Needs To Have The Right Features, benefits, the right price and the look better than the competition. Hence, this where home staging, the process of creating a space that reflects a lifestyle that people want to have, comes in. It works by emphasizing on the positive features and benefits which can help people visualize themselves living in the…

Top Australian Suburbs For Property Investors In 2016

Where to buy an investment property, is a complex decision. The factors to consider are different from those that govern buying a home to live in. Your decision has to be a logical one based on facts rather than emotions. This can often cloud a property investor’s judgement especially if they are new to the game. While deciding where to Buy Your Investment Property, one has to consider the amenities around the location. Ask yourself, “Are there schools, hospitals, public transport, or shopping complexes within reach?” The proximity of the property to such amenities and the central business district ensures that…

How To Avoid Rookie Errors In Moving | ARG Finance

Moving to a new home can be exciting and unnerving at the same time. On one hand you are looking forward to a new experience, and on the other you are stressed about going through the exhausting process of shifting your base. Everyone panics when they find their whole house in a mess – the boxes and the tapes lying around and all your stuff out in the open. Mistakes are bound to happen, especially if you have never moved on your own before. If moving to a new place is on your cards, and you are worried about the…